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The childrenatHeritageParkPrimary School are frequently complimentedby visitors

to the school for their excellent behaviour, politeness andgoodmanners. At the start

of eachacademic year the childrendiscusswhat shouldbe included in the school’s

code of conduct. Their ideas are then formalised intoour behaviour anddiscipline

policywhichmaybe foundon the school website. Therewill be occasionswhen

things gowrong and the childrenare aware of the sanctions that are inplace for

inappropriate behaviour.

BeforeSchool Club

Our before school club is verypopularwith childrenandparents. It operates from7.45am

to8.45ameachdayduring termtime. Parentswho are interested inobtaining aplace for their

child should contact the school office for a registration formand full details of the club.



AtHeritageParkPrimary School we are committed tohelping each child tomeet his or her full potential. Fromtime to time, some children

have some kindof special educational needandmayneedadditional helpand support. Thismaybeprovided fromwithin school but

sometimes outside agenciesmayprovide additional advice, for example the school nurse, speechand language specialists, educational

psychologist. Shouldanyparent have concerns about theprogress of their child, please speak to the class teacher or the special educational

needs co-ordinator.


Regular attendance andpunctuality are vital ifwe are tohelp the childrenachieve their full

potential andabsences during termtime shouldbe avoidedwhenever possible. Please

let us know if your child cannot attend school due to illness. Atelephone call at the

onset andexplanatory letter onyour child’s returnas required.

If your childhas tobe absent for amedical, dental or other appointment,

please informthe school inwriting thedaybefore. Whilst realising that it

is not always possible todo so, we ask that these appointments bemade

outside school hourswhenever they canbe so arranged.

Permission shouldbe sought for a child tobe absent fromschool for

all other reasons. Requests for absencewill onlybe grantedunder

exceptional circumstances.

Medicines inSchool

School staffareunable to accept responsibility for safely storing

or properly administeringmedicines. Children shouldnot be

givenmedicine or tablets tobring to school to take themselves.

There are exceptions to this rule, notably in the case of asthma

or other severe allergies. In such instances, the school nursewill

drawupa careplan indiscussionwithparents and school staff.