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Our school hours are:

Morning sessions 8.45am–12.05pm

Afternoonsession 1.00pm–3.20pm

Childrenshouldarriveat school noearlier than8.35am. It is expected that all

children inthe receptionclass, years1and2will be collectedbyaparent, carer, or

anothernominatedadultwho isknownto the class teacher. For children inthe

receptionclass, it is a requirement that schoolsholda list of peoplewhoparents

haveauthorised to collect their childand that the childrenshouldonlybe collected

bypeopleonthe list. Parentswill beasked toprovideapasswordwhichthey should

acquaint all thepeopleonthe listwith, as the class teacherwill ask for this.


The children in the receptionclass andyears 1and2areprovidedwithapiece of fruit eachday to eat

during themid-morningbreak. Thepurpose of this is to encouragehealthy eating. Children inother

year groups arewelcome tobring apiece of fruit to eat at break-time if they sowish.

Childrenunder the age of five areprovidedwith freemilk eachday. For all other children,milkmaybe

purchased throughanoutsideprovider. Details of this scheme are available fromthe school office.

Children in the receptionclass have access to awater fountainat all times. Children inother year groups are

encouraged tobringbottledwater to school. We ask that the bottles are transparent, that theyonly containwater and that

they are clearly labelledwith the child’s name.


Lunchtime is an important part of the school day. Good

manners and table etiquette are encouragedandwe regard the

schoolmeal as anopportunity topractise social skills.

Throughanoutsideprovider, we are able topresent the children

witha goodquality andnutritionallybalanced school lunch.

Alternatively, childrenmay gohome for lunchor bring apacked

lunch if preferred.

Because some children in school have a serious allergy to

nuts, we askparents not to includenut products in

children’s lunchboxes. Similarlyno sweets of any

kindarepermitted, nor are cans or bottles of


School lunches shouldbepaid for in

advance and children shouldbring their

lunchmoney ina sealedenvelope

clearlymarkedwith their name.

Alternatively,mealsmaybepaid for

by chequemadepayable toHeritage

ParkPrimary School.

Parentswho are entitled to

free schoolmeals shouldask for

anapplication formfromthe

school office.


“This is anoutstanding school. All aspects of the

school’swork are outstanding.”